4 Paws For Drake!
As promised, yesterday after naptime, I bundled the boys up and we headed out to play in the snow.  Drake had a wonderful time...for about 10 minutes.  The little stinker refused to keep his gloves on.  He had great fun immitating his brothers' efforts to make snow angels and then throwing "snow balls."  But once his hands were painfully cold, he began crying and we were done.  Poor little guy cried for about 15 minutes, grabbing his beloved blanky and heading upstairs to cuddle in bed for a few minutes.  There were a few moments while outside that he sort of spaced out and was very slow to respond to me.  Left me wondering if he was having small seizures and I the crying inside was a bit "odd"...left me wondering if it was actually seizure related as well.  I hate that every little thing that is different leaves me wondering if it's related to seizures.  :(


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