4 Paws For Drake!
Last night I attended the Parker's Purpose Foundation's annual benefit dinner along with my mother, her cousin, my sister and her kids.  DC stayed home with the boys since we knew it would be a late night and Drake has to be in bed no later than 8 (typically he's in bed closer to 6:30), otherwise he's uncontrollable the next day and very likely to have seizures.  If you've not heard of Parker's Purpose, I highly encourage you to visit their website to learn about this phenomenal organization.  After dinner and an incredible speech by Chris Spielman, I was awarded a $1,000 check for Drake's service dog!  I felt a bit guilty that I was the only past/present recipient family in attendance that did not speak...but public speaking has always been something I avoid at all costs!  I just hope that the organization and their donors realize just how much that gift means to our family!  That gift pushes us over $3,000 raised...$10,000 left to go.  That still seems like such an overwhelming figure.  But with the events in the works in the next month, I'm confident we'll get there very soon.  We had to leave the event a bit early because we were receiving reports that the weather was getting very bad back in Perrysburg; while it was storming as we came into town and still raining when I arrived home, thankfully that's about as long as the storms lasted.  Nothing like the storms we had a few weeks ago!

Today the boys and I attended a special one year old's birthday party.  We arrived a bit late since I had to wait for Drake to finish napping before we could leave.  But we had a great time playing outside with all the other kiddos.  Sadly, we had to cut out a few minutes early as well because Drake was beginning to overheat.  Even after being in the van with A/C for 15 minutes, he was still beat red by the time we arrived home.  Thankfully no seizures (we're now 10 days seizure free!!), but he was asking to go to bed shortly after we arrived home (before 6pm)!  Drake has never really sweat much, but ever since he's been on Topomax he overheats super easily and does not sweat at all.  We're in the process of starting a new med so we can get him off the Topomax.  I really hope that wean can be completed before the summer is over and that it improves this condition...otherwise we're going to have to spend most of the summer shut up inside with the A/C going full blast.

For those in Northwest Ohio, please consider attending the Team Jenny race in Fremont one week from today.  Proceeds will go to Drake!  We will also be debuting our 4 Paws For Drake t-shirts and bracelets on that day, so if you are attending, be sure to bring a little extra cash or your checkbook! ;)
1/6/2011 02:07:17 pm

Young boy, the world has a better vision of the cause of a persistent pursuit of a loyalty to the longing for love is a beautiful prose, moving ?


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