4 Paws For Drake!
We had plans to go out last night with a couple other families.  We were going to take the kids to a giant indoor playground place (bounce houses, swing sets, slides, etc) and then dinner.  Sadly, DC has come down with the cold the rest of us had last week, so he wasn't feeling up to going.  I was feeling brave, so I decided to take the boys on my own.  I am SO thankfully that Kevin is old enough and has matured so much in the last year that I didn't have to worry about him at all.  He took off playing the moment we got there and found me about every 15 minutes or so just to check in.  Drake was a little yo yo - he couldn't decide what he wanted to do, so he ran from one activity to the next at lightning speed while Sushi and I tried to keep up (difficult to do with the swarms of kids that were constantly attached to the dog!).  I didn't mind all of the uninvited attention Sushi received though - she behaved beautifully (other than trying to climb into a couple people's laps when they paid attention to her) and it was a great opportunity to talk a bit about 4 Paws and epilepsy.  I wish I had info cards I could have just handed to people though - I never managed to finish a conversation because Drake would be running off in the opposite direction again.  Add it to my to-do list I suppose.  Feeling REALLY brave, I decided to go ahead and give dinner out a shot as well.  There were five adults, five children and a service dog at our table at Max & Erma's.  Sushi again impressed me to no end.  I hadn't even given her the "under" command yet and she was under the table and getting situated.  She hardly moved the entire time we were there - even when I had to get up to chase down Drake who wanted to wander off and visit with all the other restaurant patrons every now and then.  At one point, tired of chasing him down, I suggested that Drake crawl under the table with Sushi (an idea I had received from another 4 Paws family) and to my surprise, he climbed right down, layed his head on her belly and snuggled with her for several minutes.  We were all exhausted when we finally arrived home.  But I'm thrilled to say, WE DID IT!  No major meltdowns, no major seizure activity (there were a few brief absence seizures, but that's pretty typical again these days), nobody got hurt or lost.  I'd call that a success.
Fearless! He raced to climb the ladder to this slide at least 10 times in the hour we were there. He was so fast, this is sadly the ONLY picture I managed to take the entire night. lol
Drake loves his puzzles! Apparently one at a time is no longer good enough. Sadly Sushi chewed up several pieces, so he's gonna need new puzzles. :(
This is how Drake fell asleep for his nap today. Silly boy!

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